Chef Smith apologises for GWR Scandal: 'Search for bread and butter led to this mess'
Chef Smith has publicly apologised to Ghanaians after faking his Guinness World Record certificate.
Earlier this week, Chef Smith held a press conference where he announced himself as the current record holder for the Longest Cooking Marathon.
He proudly displayed a certificate from Guinness World Records that was later exposed as fraudulent.

In an official response email, Guinness World Records clarified the situation, stating: “No, this is not true at all. He does not hold the GWR title, and that is not our certificate. The current and true record holder is: The longest cooking marathon (individual) is 119 hr 57 min 16 sec and was achieved by Alan Fisher (Ireland) in Matsue, Shimane, Japan, from 28 September to 3 October 2023.”
In a recent interview with GHOne TV, Chef Smith apologised to Ghanaians on his knees and in tears.

According to him, his actions were merely a survival method and he did not intend to publicly embarrass the nation.
“I render a very big apology on this big platform and I apologise to the world that I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve to live, but because of the little I will eat, I have found myself in this situation. I am sorry and I am begging the entire nation to forgive me,” Chef Smith said in tears.

Earlier today, his assistant, Leticia Martekie Sankah, also publicly apologised to Ghanaians following the revelation that the chef had faked his Guinness World Record certificate.
According to her, she believed she was supporting a friend in a genuine effort to achieve a remarkable feat and showcase her own cooking skills.
She admitted that her actions innocently contributed to the situation and took full responsibility for her part in the incident.