Act 27:12 - AndG1161 becauseG5225➔ the havenG3040 wasG5225 not commodiousG428 toG4314 winter in,G3915 the more partG4119 advisedG1012G5087 to departG321 thence also,G2547 ifG1513 by any meansG4458 they mightG1410 attainG2658 toG1519 Phenice,G5405and there to winter;G3914which is an havenG3040 of Crete,G2914 and liethG991 towardG2596 the south westG3047 andG2532G2596 north west.G5566
Rom 1:10 - Making request,G1189 if by any meansG1513 nowG2235 at lengthG4218 I might have a prosperous journeyG2137 byG1722 the willG2307 of GodG2316 to comeG2064 untoG4314 you.G5209